Tuesday, February 10, 2015


something crazy happen this week. like big. this lady we were teaching who is so sweet and loves us so much! got sick. she was walking in to the apartment, (she lives where we do) and me and elder bush were coming down the stairs. she was at the end of the hall way and had a stroke they think but she fell and hit her head on the side of a brick wall. she was on blood thinners and it bled out as fast as her heart beat was going. I freaked out and bush tried to help her. we called 911 and they came and got her. you could see right to the flesh by her brain and there was enough blood to have to use a mop. it was so scary. she made it to the hospital but got 11 staples and then she has nerve problems. we stayed with her and her kidneys (which were already bad) completely stopped. she was on so much meds and because of her kidneys she couldn't use the bathroom. so it went to her lungs and it started filling them with fluids. and on top of all this. her heart fell to under 30 beats a min. they have machines keeping her alive but she is gone. shes not there mentally anymore. because we saw this all happen and were so close. it was scary ha i feel like all I've been is a doctor haha I miss you. 
love ian!

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